Suggestion #174

Women: Wash your hair before you Tango.

Many women have long hair and that means there’s a lot of hair smelling good… or bad.  If that hair hasn’t been washed the day you are tangoing or if it has been but it’s been at the gym, that’s a lot of hair giving off a lot of nasty fumes right into the nostrils of the men you are dancing with.

Please smell good.  Wear deodorant, wear clean clothes, shower, AND wash your hair. Men, that includes you too.

About Movement Invites Movement

We are relatively young Argentine Tango dancers and teachers who are married both to each other and the dance. We truly found Tango after making an 8-month Tango pilgrimage to Buenos Aires and we are using this blog to share our thoughts and feelings about our Tango experiences. We are not aspiring authors and our writing skills are questionable, but we write our truth. View all posts by Movement Invites Movement

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