Daily Archives: September 17, 2008

Sexy Thoughts

The following was partly inspired by a post by The Tango Jungle (Thank you :)

We are married AND we dance together (and we’re really in love). Our Tango has progressed at the same rate and to basically the same level. We are quite fortunate in this regard. We used to have many “Tango Wars”, but these were the result of trying to “perfect” what we learned in our privates. However, once we stopped taking privates the “Tango Wars” slowly turned into “Tango Bliss”. Now, we are often overcome with the desire to Tango in the small floor space we have in our apartment and we are in heaven! But never, never, are we in “Sexy Heaven”.

We’ve noticed that so many people write and talk about Tango like it’s the media sound-bite cliche we’ve all heard: “A vertical expression of a horizontal desire.” We used to think that only non-dancers were “confused” enough to believe that Tango was something sexy. Oh, how wrong we were. We’ve read post after post, comment after comment referring to the “sexiness” of dancing Tango. And of course, we’ve seen person after person dance Tango like they’re in the middle of dancing a Bachata (facial expression, thrusting hips, etc). However, what we quickly realized was that the dancers who think Tango is “sexy” are typically single OR their significant other is not a Tango dancer (yes, a generalization more than a rule). Whatever the case is with those people, dancing Tango has never been a sexy thing for us. The music sure isn’t sexy – lyrics that speak of drinking problems, gambling, race horses, and lost love. Wow, we’re feeling randy now, how about you?

We are married and we love that Tango is a close physical dance. However, being close to someone physically does not in itself make it a sexy thing. To even speak of intimacy simply because your bodies touch is quite exaggerated. The dance goes so much deeper than lustful thoughts, closed eyes, parted lips, etc. We believe an evolved Tango dancer is slightly more mature than pre-pubescent adolescents.

We say that IF a man is beginning to “salute” a woman while dancing, he is (a) a very immature, un-evolved tanguero, and (b) definitely, definitely, DEFINITELY not dancing in the moment.  Eeeeeewwwww!